Donnerstag, 8. Juni 2017

The last entry, although there is so much to say ............... but now I like to thank ........

I would now like to thank the people who supported me very, very much in Mongolia and made this trip to a real, unforgettable adventure for me. Thänk you very much!

Enkhtuya, the rectora of the boarding  school at Khaliun and my translator Nara.
She is the head of the NGO and Nara speaks nearly fluently german. 

Thanks to you for your great support! 

Banzei, the brother of Enkhtuya a realy great guy! He worked at the greenhouses, for the drip irrigation, at the sea buckthorn plantation, and so on. 
Years ago he was Judo fighter for Mongolia. ..... I prefer him as a friend .....
Hope to see you again, take care!

Siggi !

A beautiful girl at the boarding school in Khaliun.
She allways helped me, if nobody could understand what I wanted. 
She speaks pretty good English and, if she could not explain it in English she painted the matters so that even I could understand.

She was born on the 01.01.2002 an she told me: 

"all fireworks on the 31.12. are because of my birthday!"

Hey Siggi, all fireworks all over the world are just for you!!!

Thank you very much!

Hey Ariunaa,

you know you're really special! 

You guided me through UB and the surrounding area for a week. 

Our conversations, the information about Mongolia, about your religion and so on ....... 

I've met you about couchsurfing and I hope I can give back what I´ve got from you!

Thank you very, very much! 

Let´s keep in touch in any way.

Hi Uulen,

nothing in a bolg, everybody can read! 

Sounds mysticaly, but you know that I've learned to appreciate you in the short time we met. 

The rest in private chat.

Thank you very much, hope to see / meet you again!


I do not even know your name but you accompanied me to different places and events and once you came in the morning to my room, you arranged my sleeping bag ..... 

thank you for that

Hey Sahra,
whyever, I have no photo of you. For the public information, Sahra is the English teacher at the boarding school.

Thank you very much for your help!

I called you "Mr. Dshingis" and I think it sounds realy funny to many people...............

Unknown bassist, but was quite ok on the great square "Sukhbaatar"

.... these were finally the people who tooke care at the boarding school, cook, caretaker with his youngest daughter and so on

thanks to you as well, you have treated me really great!

Sahra, ....... thank you not just for your smile .... 

(she is the new music teacher at the boarding school and she moves in her own way)

Again no photo. 

Do not worry. Many thanks to my best friend Prof. Dr. Hans ................... 

Your telephoncall has been the reason for this trip, .......  many thanks for it .........!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Back and looking foreward to new adventures ................

If you have any questions about mongolia, plans to go there and so on, ............. 

I had the opportunity to make very good contacts - also to German-speaking tour operators - do not hesitate, just give me a short request I will answer quickly!

Hope hearing of you again, take care, will be back soon ;-)

Dienstag, 6. Juni 2017

The second to last blog

Since 05:00 (local time) I´m seating at the Chinggis Khaan International Airport and wait for my departure to Moscow and then to Munich.
I wrote many things in the little blog, but not too much - and that's a good !

As far as I could travel Mongolia, I can say, yes, it is very demanding to travel this country. The distances are vast, the infrastructure largely slopes, the travel times correspondingly long.

I have often read that Mongolia is not a cheap country to travel. Up to now, I can not confirm that.

  • 1,5 l mineral water in the supermarket 0,35 EUR
  • main dish in a simple, clean restaurant 2 EUR (huge portions!)
  • food in a very good! Restaurant (filetsteak with frensh fries and salad, mineral water, espresso) ~ 11 EUR
  • Taxis in UB 1 km ~ 0,30 EUR (city center - airport ~ 7,50 EUR)
  • Bus ride within UB ~ 0,40 EUR
  • Overland bus ride 1.100 km ~ 18.50 EUR

Criticism of my packing list.

  • Pocket knives and clothes clamps (possibly Maulis) I had not and missed accordingly.
  • In the country side I have been camping cutlery would be very helpful, I had to eat all my meals with a teaspoon
  • The thin fleece jacket was superfluous, as was the 3rd shirt. There is always the opportunity to wash and get your clothes washed. For example at the hotel Bayangol a shirt is around 1.80 EUR, jeans around  2.50 EUR and underwear around 0.70 EUR.

It is essential to take into account that the climatic conditions are really extreme. Between + 30 ° C and 0 ° C is sometimes only the dusk. Windstoppers are an absolute "must have" on both open space and in UB. See the pictures from the Sandsturm on 05.06. In UB, the temperature drops in minutes to very, very unpleasant.

Between these two pictures are only 30 minutes and 20 degrees! Taken from my hotel room.

I've just arrived to Moscow, four hours stopover. The flight from UB to Moscow - it was a absolute disaster! 

And that was not because of Aeroflot! It was because of the two Mongolian "wabbels" on the seats 8a -let´s call him Pudding 1 - and 8b - let´s call him Pudding 2-. (I was like so often 8c)
Before the take off I put my earplugs in position, feed back by the earplugs "we capitulate!" 
All passengers in this area complained to the flight attendants about the volume of the two Wabbels - without success. For me the worst was, that pudding 2 while he was talking violently gesticulated with his arms and hung halfway on my seat. Had him repeatedly said polite / rude / verbal / nonverbal that the "number" does not work in this way and he should return to his own seat. Success --> Error indication. 

But also 6 h 20 min. will eventually come to an end. Aeroflot has once again managed to keep the airman long enough in the air, at least until to the official landing.

Sonntag, 4. Juni 2017

On a horse back through the national park

Some do need A 5 convertible to have the feeling of being someone. They do not even know how poor they are.

It was a cool experience riding on a small mongolian horse back through the national park.
By the way, the hour is 10,000 Tugrik, which is about 3.70 EUR. The saddle was so softly padded that it did not hurt even after a long time.

..... the girl who took the photo was not a real expert ....


MNB and Uulen Solongo

While I was walking around at Chojin Lama Temple, a young woman came up and said she was from the Mongolian National Broadcast and she would like to do an interview on the subject of tourism in Mongolia. 
How could I have rejected this desire of a truly gorgeous woman. 

(She is definitely a member of my personal 1% club, that is, 1% of the Mongolian women (my estimate) are super very beautiful, a further 19% are beautiful, 30% are also beautiful and the remaining 50% I´ve also met.

Sounds a bit like macho, but I like women better than men. Have no problem, if a woman makes the ranking from the other side.

Will ask Uulen when the interview will be broadcasted. In the event that someone is watching Mongolian national television ;-) 

Again to the topic eat

As a 7/8 vegetarian, the food situation is extremely difficult. Here in UB there is no problem to get proper food. Nearly all international fast food chains (except MCDonalds) are represented. In addition, there are a large number of vegetarian and even vegan restaurants. 
The 7/8 I had mentioned, I tiedy - experimentally in homeopathic doses - the Mongolian cuisine. If it were all "only" beef, pork or chicken, it would be tolerable and I would fill my "meat depot" into the year 2023, but somehow everything tastes like good fat mutton, the absolute super-GAU NO GO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
What I've tried you see on the following pictures. 
(Will ask Ariunaa to name the dishes as captions)
...... homecooking in Khaliun ......

stir fried rice with vegetables

khorkhog soup .... das kann man weder aussprechen noch essen ........

tsuivan with chicken 

tsuivan with mutton

stir fried vegetables with mushrooms

fried beef (with a little bit potatoes and carrots)

stir fried egg with mutton

proper steak at the Grand Khaan

mongolian fast food .................
.... a proper burger at Millies, a café and restaurant crowded with foreigners and expats....
.... chocolate cake with ice cream at Grand Khaan Irish Pub

.... tea soup with milk and dumplings stuffed with dried mutton ........ 

Donnerstag, 1. Juni 2017

As I´ve promised it goes on with a few pictures of the last days

It is unbelievable to hold a stone eagle on  your arm

For those who like to play golf .......

Tereldsh Nationlpark

Is the rhubarb?

Another view in the national park

the turtle rock ......

welcome to the remains of socialism..... special forces, the driver, Nara and Ariunaa ....

..... just a short view of the gold course .......

.... he is still alive?

... one of the most peaceful and beautiful places in the world .....

... the largest silver shell in Mongolia......

a perfect hideaway to forget the rest of this world

.... the reading man .....

.... not all roads are asphalted in Mongolia ... ;-)

... on the way to his Highness, Mr. Genghis Khaan

Some may wonder, why I have decided to continue writing the blog in English. The answer ist quite easy. I was asked by more than a handful of people here in Mongolia, if I could write the blog also in English, so they can read it as well. I like to do it for my friends in Mongolia. The guys in Germany who come to the blog, mostly speak better English than I do, so it shoudn´t be a problem for you.