Sonntag, 4. Juni 2017

Again to the topic eat

As a 7/8 vegetarian, the food situation is extremely difficult. Here in UB there is no problem to get proper food. Nearly all international fast food chains (except MCDonalds) are represented. In addition, there are a large number of vegetarian and even vegan restaurants. 
The 7/8 I had mentioned, I tiedy - experimentally in homeopathic doses - the Mongolian cuisine. If it were all "only" beef, pork or chicken, it would be tolerable and I would fill my "meat depot" into the year 2023, but somehow everything tastes like good fat mutton, the absolute super-GAU NO GO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
What I've tried you see on the following pictures. 
(Will ask Ariunaa to name the dishes as captions)
...... homecooking in Khaliun ......

stir fried rice with vegetables

khorkhog soup .... das kann man weder aussprechen noch essen ........

tsuivan with chicken 

tsuivan with mutton

stir fried vegetables with mushrooms

fried beef (with a little bit potatoes and carrots)

stir fried egg with mutton

proper steak at the Grand Khaan

mongolian fast food .................
.... a proper burger at Millies, a café and restaurant crowded with foreigners and expats....
.... chocolate cake with ice cream at Grand Khaan Irish Pub

.... tea soup with milk and dumplings stuffed with dried mutton ........ 

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