Donnerstag, 8. Juni 2017

The last entry, although there is so much to say ............... but now I like to thank ........

I would now like to thank the people who supported me very, very much in Mongolia and made this trip to a real, unforgettable adventure for me. Thänk you very much!

Enkhtuya, the rectora of the boarding  school at Khaliun and my translator Nara.
She is the head of the NGO and Nara speaks nearly fluently german. 

Thanks to you for your great support! 

Banzei, the brother of Enkhtuya a realy great guy! He worked at the greenhouses, for the drip irrigation, at the sea buckthorn plantation, and so on. 
Years ago he was Judo fighter for Mongolia. ..... I prefer him as a friend .....
Hope to see you again, take care!

Siggi !

A beautiful girl at the boarding school in Khaliun.
She allways helped me, if nobody could understand what I wanted. 
She speaks pretty good English and, if she could not explain it in English she painted the matters so that even I could understand.

She was born on the 01.01.2002 an she told me: 

"all fireworks on the 31.12. are because of my birthday!"

Hey Siggi, all fireworks all over the world are just for you!!!

Thank you very much!

Hey Ariunaa,

you know you're really special! 

You guided me through UB and the surrounding area for a week. 

Our conversations, the information about Mongolia, about your religion and so on ....... 

I've met you about couchsurfing and I hope I can give back what I´ve got from you!

Thank you very, very much! 

Let´s keep in touch in any way.

Hi Uulen,

nothing in a bolg, everybody can read! 

Sounds mysticaly, but you know that I've learned to appreciate you in the short time we met. 

The rest in private chat.

Thank you very much, hope to see / meet you again!


I do not even know your name but you accompanied me to different places and events and once you came in the morning to my room, you arranged my sleeping bag ..... 

thank you for that

Hey Sahra,
whyever, I have no photo of you. For the public information, Sahra is the English teacher at the boarding school.

Thank you very much for your help!

I called you "Mr. Dshingis" and I think it sounds realy funny to many people...............

Unknown bassist, but was quite ok on the great square "Sukhbaatar"

.... these were finally the people who tooke care at the boarding school, cook, caretaker with his youngest daughter and so on

thanks to you as well, you have treated me really great!

Sahra, ....... thank you not just for your smile .... 

(she is the new music teacher at the boarding school and she moves in her own way)

Again no photo. 

Do not worry. Many thanks to my best friend Prof. Dr. Hans ................... 

Your telephoncall has been the reason for this trip, .......  many thanks for it .........!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Back and looking foreward to new adventures ................

If you have any questions about mongolia, plans to go there and so on, ............. 

I had the opportunity to make very good contacts - also to German-speaking tour operators - do not hesitate, just give me a short request I will answer quickly!

Hope hearing of you again, take care, will be back soon ;-)

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