Dienstag, 6. Juni 2017

The second to last blog

Since 05:00 (local time) I´m seating at the Chinggis Khaan International Airport and wait for my departure to Moscow and then to Munich.
I wrote many things in the little blog, but not too much - and that's a good !

As far as I could travel Mongolia, I can say, yes, it is very demanding to travel this country. The distances are vast, the infrastructure largely slopes, the travel times correspondingly long.

I have often read that Mongolia is not a cheap country to travel. Up to now, I can not confirm that.

  • 1,5 l mineral water in the supermarket 0,35 EUR
  • main dish in a simple, clean restaurant 2 EUR (huge portions!)
  • food in a very good! Restaurant (filetsteak with frensh fries and salad, mineral water, espresso) ~ 11 EUR
  • Taxis in UB 1 km ~ 0,30 EUR (city center - airport ~ 7,50 EUR)
  • Bus ride within UB ~ 0,40 EUR
  • Overland bus ride 1.100 km ~ 18.50 EUR

Criticism of my packing list.

  • Pocket knives and clothes clamps (possibly Maulis) I had not and missed accordingly.
  • In the country side I have been camping cutlery would be very helpful, I had to eat all my meals with a teaspoon
  • The thin fleece jacket was superfluous, as was the 3rd shirt. There is always the opportunity to wash and get your clothes washed. For example at the hotel Bayangol a shirt is around 1.80 EUR, jeans around  2.50 EUR and underwear around 0.70 EUR.

It is essential to take into account that the climatic conditions are really extreme. Between + 30 ° C and 0 ° C is sometimes only the dusk. Windstoppers are an absolute "must have" on both open space and in UB. See the pictures from the Sandsturm on 05.06. In UB, the temperature drops in minutes to very, very unpleasant.

Between these two pictures are only 30 minutes and 20 degrees! Taken from my hotel room.

I've just arrived to Moscow, four hours stopover. The flight from UB to Moscow - it was a absolute disaster! 

And that was not because of Aeroflot! It was because of the two Mongolian "wabbels" on the seats 8a -let´s call him Pudding 1 - and 8b - let´s call him Pudding 2-. (I was like so often 8c)
Before the take off I put my earplugs in position, feed back by the earplugs "we capitulate!" 
All passengers in this area complained to the flight attendants about the volume of the two Wabbels - without success. For me the worst was, that pudding 2 while he was talking violently gesticulated with his arms and hung halfway on my seat. Had him repeatedly said polite / rude / verbal / nonverbal that the "number" does not work in this way and he should return to his own seat. Success --> Error indication. 

But also 6 h 20 min. will eventually come to an end. Aeroflot has once again managed to keep the airman long enough in the air, at least until to the official landing.

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